
Kids are practicing to be adults.
Children are people, too!
While they are learning the most basic skills, children must also deal with the same challenges facing adults: When to fit in and when to stand out. How to deal with loss and grief. What do I need to get by? Who is my friend and who is not? And why?
Facing these issues and more in a rich, nurturing environment will better equip children to be emotionally mature adults. The Tam Tam’s World books, apps, and other materials are meant to be a resource within such an environment.
Because he wasn’t so mad, Tam Tam was able to think, and he helped make a super-great game, They laughed and they cheered till Mellie said, “Wait! We have to give it a name!” Tam Tam thought for a second, “Mellie’s Big Help” he replied, and everyone thought it was grand, Mellie blushed for a moment, smiled at her friend, then stood as she clapped her hands.
Tam Tam Gets Mad